Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Gold Rush

Title: The Gold Rush
Year: 1925
Country: USA
Director: Charles Chaplin
Producer: Charles Chaplin
Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 80 minutes
Viewed: May 20, 2012

Review: Charles Chaplin is amazing, simply put. He is a genius, there are not many who can effectively direct, produce and star in a movie. I was confused by the upbeat music not matching what was always happening during the movie. There were a few times where I laughed pretty hard. The first is the roll dance. It is classic and so funny. The second is when the house is about to tip off the mountain. The behavior between the two actors is perfectly done and makes the comedy of the situation even greater.

2.5 Shamrocks (While there were a couple good laughs, I'm not sure I want to re-watch because silent films are just not my thing for the most part)

Movie 28 down... 973 to go!


  1. I loved "The Goldrush", but then I love almost all Charlie Chaplin Movies. Are you still watching?

  2. Yes, I am still watching just very slowly. Here pretty soon I will be picking back up and watching more hopefully faster than previously. :) Please keep reading and feel free to share!
