Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bronenosets Potyomkin

Title: Bronenosets Potyomkin - The Battleship Potemkin
Year: 1925
Country: U.S.S.R. 
Director: Grigori Aleksandrov & Sergei M. Eisenstein 
Producer: Jacob Bliokh
Genre: Drama & War
Runtime: 69 minutes
Viewed: May 20, 2012 

Review: What to say about this movie? There are two scenes specifically that I probably will always be able to recall. The first is when the men raise the red flag in protest and the second is the child bleeding from his head on the stairs. As a viewer, I had to read more about where the Director was coming from to understand the film. I definitely sided with and felt bad for the men at the beginning when they are showing the rotten meat. I am torn on how to feel about the film as a whole. I don't quite understand the necessity in the stair scene because up to that point you are angry with the men at their leaders and then you become confused as to why they are taking out their anger on the towns people. I am not sure ultimately how I felt about this film. But the ending is a good one. 

2 Shamrocks 

Movie 27 down... 974 to go!

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