Title: Stachka - Strike
Year: 1924
Country: U.S.S.R
Director: Sergei M. Eisenstein
Producer: Boris Mikhin
Genre: Drama
Runtime: 82 minutes
Viewed: August 21, 2011
Review: Well, this movie is definitely intense. The storyline, the way it was directed, everything about it is just very captivating. That being said I would probably never watch it again. The whole film is black an white and even remastered is a struggle visually. Not that that is anyone's fault it just makes it difficult for me to pay attention. If I had not read what was written in the 1001 Movie book before I watched the movie I would not have caught on to the correlation between the slaughtering of the animals and its significance to the people dying, but since I had it made sense. I thought the comparison between the main characters and animals was an interesting idea and I enjoyed how it was carried out throughout the film. I think by far my favorite thing about this film was the pictures and how at first it just appeared to be a picture but then came into action with the film and that individual character.
2 Shamrocks
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