Title: Korkarlen - The Phantom Carriage
Year: 1921
Country: Sweden
Director: Victor Sjostrom
Producer: Charles Magnusson
Genre: Drama
Runtime: 70 minutes
Viewed: June 24, 2010
Review: Well, I'll start this post off with I am a bit irritated that I had to buy the film online to be able to view it. I searched everywhere I knew to look to find it and had absolutely no luck. So, $16 later, Drake and I have the movie. I'm not sure I would have understood the movie at all had I not read the description in the 1001 Movies book. It was not the worst film we have watched by any means, but it definitely was not as entertaining as we had expected it to be. One of the greatest things about this movie were the "special effects." The way this movie was filmed was taken to a new level with the Phantom Carriage and the Grim Reaper. It was very interesting to see and imagine how difficult it must have been to develop some of the scenes, that now we don't even typically take a minute to think about the difficulty. I appreciated the way the film ended, but was still very confused by the way the story was being told, it was very similar to The Christmas Carol, although with The Christmas Carol having speaking roles, it is a lot easier to follow.
2 Shamrocks
2.5 Soccer balls
Movie 10 down... 991 to go!
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